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How to select suitable bridge crane to improve the lifting height?

07 Jan, 2021

Generally, when you build a workshop, you must consider the space for cranes, no matter the workshop is made of concrete columns or steel structures.

  • if it is a new constructed concrete workshop, brackets are easily to be ignored, which lead to the troubles for future crane installation.
  • if it is an old warehouse, it should be rebuilt with steel columns and runway beams and make foundations.

Runway beam, also called bearing rail beam (H beam), it is above brackets for supporting crane rails.

Most clients do not very clear which part are the necessary for crane installation, below real picture will help you understand better:


necessary for crane installation

Therefore, if you want to install a crane, you should consider the support parts (steel columns, brackets, H beam and cranes, power lines). 

  • A complete set crane includes main girder, end carriages with driving engines, crane wheels, electric control box, electric hoist and necessary small components.
  • Lifting height is the hook path from the ground, the hoist body height will take up some space.
  • Except the lifting height, the safe distance from crane upper lever to roof should be considered into mind.
  • If you want to achieve a desired lifting height, crane body dimension, hoist body height, safe distance mentioned above, all these should be considered in advance.

For some existing workshop, lifting height is always what they worry.

Actually, there are several ways to improve the lifting height and send to you a desired crane. 

  • For single girder overhead crane, low headroom electric hoist crane and max. make full use of the space, and the girder on which it mounted is box girder type. Below is the crane photo:

low headroom single girder crane

LDP model single girder overhead crane

European single girder overhead crane

double girder overhead crane with crab hoist

Bridge cranes aren't the only type of overhead crane out there though. Other overhead crane types include:

Choosing the right crane requires you take many crane attributes into consideration, such as specific features, safety concerns, and the expertise of the operator. DQCRANE can offer professional crane services and solutions. Let us help you solve your overhead crane needs by contacting us today. 
