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Slag handling crane, furnace slag handling, steel mill slag handling

30 Jul, 2018

Furnace slag handling crane for steel mill slag handling. Dongqi steel mill slag handing crane is effective, reliable and high performances. Check Dongqi slag handling crane. 

Slag Handling Cranes

Iron blast furnace slag as one of the byproduct in the steel mill now has a wide applications from road bases and glass insulation wool to athletic fields.

For the iron blast furnace slag handling, Dongqi Crane offers steel mill cranes and  the slag handling cranes should be effective, reliable high-performing, and custom designed to specific bulk material handling environment

Defining Slag

The slag is a type of industrial by product, which is classified in the following types according to the iron content:

  • Ferrous slags (containing iron/steel) make up the majority of commercial production,
  • Nonferrous slags (containing lead, zinc, copper) account for about 12%.

Common Industries and Applications Making Use of Slag

Due to the development of aggregate technology and building materials, the slag is playing an increasingly important role in the manufacturing industries from from glass manufacturing to bridge construction, including:

  • Glass manufacturing
  • Ballast in the railroad industry
  • Roofing aggregate and insulation/mineral wool for construction and building
  • Base and aggregate for concrete manufacturing and construction
  • Backfilling in the mining industry
  • Grit blasting medium for fine etching

Environmental applications, including waterway construction, erosion control, sports field bases, bank reinforcement, sea wall and dike construction, and agricultural bases

Slag Handling Cranes

For slag handling, the material handling cranes and hoists used in slag handling is required to withstand harsh environments and highly abrasive loads. The material handling crane equipment is for slag handling and management throughout all manufacturing processes, from slag distribution along main conveyor lines when the material is sorted through the slag bunker and loaded onto trucks.

For slag still containing ferrous rejects, cranes can be specially outfitted below the hook. Custom components include claws with special teeth, as well as fully closed orange peel-type grabs to help achieve better penetration and solid handling.

Many fully automated cranes and remote operating systems are also well-suited for slag handling applications. Check more industrial crane now.
